Be more active? Eat better? Sleep better? Reduce stress? Drink less? Quit smoking? Or just Feel better? Now you can!

What would you do if it was much easier to change habits?

Easychange lowers the brain’s resistance to change so it’s much easier to change habits

We are some of the change pilots you meet in the programmes and will guide you all the way

Now you can get healthier without turning your life upside down

You only take small steps at the time and will feel the effect right away

All you need is 10-15 min on your mobile a couple of times a week

Download the Easychange app and use the code from your employer to get FREE ACCESS!

Download from PC/Mac: Scan the QR code with the camera on your mobile

Download from mobile: Click on the icon for your app store

Why we nearly always fail when we try to change a habit.

The brain sees sudden changes in our behaviour as possible threats and uses psychological processes that can force us back to the old habit.

Once upon a time this was smart because it prevented us from doing stupid things.

Like eating poisonous stuff that looked tempting or taking a new route with unknown dangers back to the village, after hunting.

Unfortunately, this is not helpful now, when we try to change a lifestyle that itself is a threat.

Easychange use psychological techniques to reduce this natural resistance to change, making it much easier to succeed.

See more about the science behind Easychange in the video and in the app, or at

Be more active? Eat better? Sleep better? Reduce stress? Drink less? Quit smoking? Or just Feel better?

now you can